August 10 • Shingle Peak Trail & Turret Creek Trail |
This was the longest day-hike I had taken in some time. It's a big loop in the southern part of Flat Tops Wilderness, climbing Shingle Peak Trail and returning via Turret Creek Trail. I left home at 7:30 and reached the Hill Top trail head at 9:00. It's reached via the dirt County Road 150 which goes to Sweetwater Lake, north of Dotsero. The road is fine for two-wheel drive cars until it narrows past the lake and climbs a steep hill the last 200 vertical feet to the trail head. My car made it but if I go back, I think I'll walk that last section. On my map, this trail head was shown as Turret Creek Trail but when I got there, the sign said Hill Top Trail Head. The folks who make the maps don't make the signs. This could be confusing but I knew I was in the right place at the end of the road.
At about 10,600 feet (three hours in) the trail flattens out a bit and continues over rolling terrain. I passed Turret Peak on the right and wanted to climb it but decided the remaining distance of my planned loop prevented it. Shortly after, I passed the trail that goes west to Rim Lake and briefly considered going that way and returning via Rim Lake and Sweetwater trails. At about 1:30, I reached the turn onto Turret Creek trail which continues Finally, as I was turning downhill near the junction of Turret Crescent Trail, I saw several people working their way up Shingle Peak several hundred yards away. I was somewhat relieved that there was actually somebody else around, since I hadn’t seen anyone all day. Ten or 15 minutes down the trail I came across 16 backpacks left on the trail by the climbers.
I would likely never hike Shingle Peak Trail again. It's good at the top but Turret Creek Trail is so much nicer I think I would prefer to take it in both directions, should I ever want to climb Shingle Peak. Click here for more photos. |